© 2001.  Wardah                                                                                     Posted   29 May 2001  (rudyct)

Makalah Falsafah Sains (PPs 702)   

Program Pasca Sarjana / S3

Institut Pertanian Bogor

Juni 2001



Prof Dr Ir Rudy C Tarumingkeng (Penanggung Jawab)

Prof Dr Ir Zahrial Coto






Research proposal







NRP: P14600004

Email: wdh5660@yahoo.com






1.1.           Background


Lore Lindu National Park (LLNP) is located in Central Sulawesi Province, which is an important conservation area because of the biodiversity.  According to the location, the LLNP is a part of the tropical rain forest ecosystem with a specific biodiversity.  As another conservative area in Indonesia, the LLNP has become a degradation area because of the illegal activities, such as shifting cultivation, illegal cutting and converted to be agricultural  area.

The growth of the population including around LLNP have a negative impact whether on the area, quality, and the function of the forest ecosystem.  This is caused by part of the area have been converted to other function such as plantation.

In order to sustain, ecologically, economically and socially, forest particularly in the humid tropics including the LLNP, there should be developing land use strategies. The strategies should consider the needs of the people who live in, around and adjacent to forest area.

There has been an alternative land used, agroforestry system i.e. forest garden, which traditionally practiced by people around forest in Indonesia and other Asian countries.  According to Nair (1989), agroforestry is a land used system that involves socially and ecologically acceptable integration of trees with agricultural crops and/or animals simultaneously or sequentially, so as to get an increasing total productivity of plants and animals in a suitable manner from a unit of farm land, especially under condition low level of technology inputs and marginal lands.  From this definition some principles apply, as follow:

1)       Agroforestry integrates trees with crops and/or animal sequentially or simultaneously to increase productivity,

2)       The ideal form of agroforestry is stable and sustainable,

3)       The system should be socially and ecologically acceptable.

Although people over the world have recently developed and practiced the agroforestry system for thousand years, forest gardens have only been investigated in a few cases studies namely in Kalimantan and Sumatra. In Indonesia people have conducted several types of agrofrestry practices, such as forest garden, home garden, mixed garden, and tumpangsari for a long time. There are some traditional forest garden distributed in Indonesia, such as kebun talun (West Java), Krakal (Central Java), Tembawang (West Kalimantan), Porlak and Peureula (Sumatra).

According to Sundawati (1993), the Dayak fores gardens have an ecological, economical, and social function. The ecological functions of the forest gardens indlude (1) improvement of chemical, physical and biological soil propertis, (2) protection from soil erosion, (3) reduction of microclimatic extremes, and (4) genetic resource conservation. The economical functions of the forest gardens including (1) to provide an income, and (2) to contribute to household food security. The social functions of the forest gardens may be seen in the (1) tradition where the gardens are passed on from generation to generation, reminding the people of the ancestors, (2) importance of the trees ownership for the families, (3) use of the gardens as a place for children play and for adults to congregated in their free time, (4) production of resources, such as beverages, food and animals for ceremonies and relegious rituals.  However, there are few studies have been carried out on these fields, particularly concerning on how the forest garden may have  functions to improve the soil properties which then may sustain the other above functions. 

Generally, the forest garden generated through some process, as follow: firstly, land clearing with slash and burn system, then planted with annual crops as long as 1 or 2 years depend on the soil productivity.  After decreasing the soil productivity the farmers then plant fruit crops (perennial crops) and leave for a long time until the fruit and other tree crops production might be harvested. These land managements might be categorized as shifting cultivation, which caused biodiversity loss, local timber decrease, soil erosion and sedimentation on water bodies (Fischer and Vasseur, 2000). Although the system still conducted by the farmers who leave in, around or next to the forest. Because the farmers known well if they may have benefits on remaining the systems.

In selecting the trees leaved and/or planted on the garden, the farmers based on the economical function rather than the soil and water conservation function. The species and trees characteristics, such as the structure of tree canopy and rooting system, should be considered before planting on the forest garden. The characteristics of trees significantly affect on litter production, infiltration rate, soil erosion, water quality, income and culture of the people on the mixed-gardens in Tasikmalaya (Setiadi, 1998).

Whereas, the root systems have not been considered very much in selecting tree species. These probably because they are not visible, are not amenable to management in land use systems and are time-consuming to study (Young, 1997). The variation of tree root system in a forest garden may have some differences in water holding capacity, nutrition and mineral absorbing. Tree root system can take up nutrients, which would otherwise be lost by leaching. Finally, both the above ground (canopy structure) and below ground (root systems) may have important role in improving and sustaining the good soil properties in forest garden and neighboring natural forest. Therefore, there should be studied the interaction between structure and composition of vegetation and the soil properties of forest garden as a traditional agroforestry system comparing with the neighboring natural forest.

1.2.           Objectives

The objectives of this research are: (1). To study the relation between structure and composition of vegetation on physical, chemical, and biological soil properties of forest garden and natural forest at LLNP, (2). To compare the effects of the structure and composition of vegetation on physical, chemical and biological soil properties of forest garden and natural forest at three study sites, Kamarora, Berdikari and Rompo villages around the LLNP

1.3.           Expected Output

The expected output from this research are to provide information on: (1) the relation between structure and composition of vegetation on, physical, chemical, and biological soil properties of forest garden at LLNP; (2) the structure and the composition of vegetation which has a significant effect on physical, chemical and biological soil properties at forest garden of the three study sites, (3). Finally, whether the forest garden may be expected to stabilize the forest margins.

1.4.           Hypothesis

The hypotheses are proposed in this research are: (1). There are differences on the structure and the composition of vegetation of forest garden at three site studies, (2). The physical, chemical and biological properties of soil are affected by the structure and the composition of vegetation of forest garden; (3) there are differences on the effect of structure and composition of vegetation on soil properties of forest garden at three study sites around LLNP.


II.                  LITERATURE STUDY

2.1.           Forest Gardens

Definition and Characteristics

Forest garden could be defined as part of a broader land-used spectrum that contains farms, home gardens, forest gardens, and forest extraction areas in a gradient leading away from the villages to the protected forests in the park (Salafsky, 1994). He also concluded that the forest garden have at least five basic characteristics in common :

1)       From an economic perspective, the forest garden systems are primarily used for growing cash crops.

2)       From an ecological perspective, forest garden systems are composed of relatively large areas dominated by only a few species of canopy or sub-canopy trees.

3)       From a land-used history perspective, forest garden systems typically seem to evolve from home garden and/or Sweden agricultural plots as economic market for specific product develop.

4)       From land-used perspective, forest garden systems do not occur in isolation, but are part of broader spectrum or mosaic of land uses.

5)       Finally, from a socio-political perspective, forest garden systems tend to be ignored by government officials and other decision makers.

In addition, a forest garden is composed by multistoried/multilayer of canopy. Anonymous (2001) reviewed that a forest garden is organized in up to seven ‘layers’.  Within  these, positioning of species depend on many variables, including their requirement of shelter, light, moisture, good/bad companions, mineral requirement, pollination, pest protection, etc. The layers consist of :

·                                Canopy trees- the highest layer of trees.

·                                Small trees and large shrubs, mostly planted between and below the canopy trees.

·                                Shrubs, mostly quite shade tolerant.

·                                Herbaceous perennial, several of which are herbs and will also contribute to the ground cover layer by self-seeding and spreading.

·                                Ground cover, mostly creeping carpeting plants, which will form a living, mulch for the ‘forest floor’.

·                                Climbers and vines, these are generally late addition to the garden, since they obviously need sturdy trees to climb up.

·                                The final ‘layer’ is the root zone or rhizosphere. Any design should take account of different rooting habits and requirement of different species, even root crops are not grown much.

Forest Garden Types


According to the structure and the composition of the vegetation and the sites where the gardens are found, the type of forest gardens are highly heterogeneous.  The type of forest gardens in Indonesia and other part of the world have been summarized by  Salafsky (1994) then modified based on some other studies by  De Jong (1996) and Wagachchi and Wiersum, (1997), as featured in Table 1.


2.2.           The Effect of Trees on Soil Properties


As mentioned before that the traditional forest gardens are characterized with the  canopy multistorey, which might have a potential effect on soil improvement.  The trees are left or planted on agricultural areas because of the positive effect on the soil fertility and the crop yields.  The positive effect is an accumulation effect of the micro environmental changes, soil biodiversity and interaction between above and below ground.

The trees existing at an agroforestry system such as forest garden might have direct and indirect effects on soil micro environmental conditions. As reported by Belsky, et al., 1993; Amudson, et al., 1995 in Rhaodes, 1997, that the microclimate and biomass production effects under tree shade might be caused by the decrease of maximum temperature and evapotranspiration and the increase of the relative moisture.  In Kenyan Savanna, the soil temperature decreases from 5-12oC under canopy of Acacia tortilis and Adansonia digitata.  Similar effect in Senegal, the maximum temperatures decrease 3.4oC under Faiderbia albida (Dancette and Poulain, 1969 in Rhaodes, 1997). The lower temperature under the canopy may decrease the water stress  and increase the biomass production (Amudson, et al.,1995 in Rhaodes, 1997).


Table 1.    Forest gardens and related Land-use systems throughout the world (modified from Salafsky,1994)



Ethnic groups


Primary crops


A.                                                                                                       Site in Borneo

Benawai agung,    W. Kalimantan

Sungai Matan, W.    Kalimantan

Sanggau, W. Kalimantan

Tae, W. Kalimantan


Apokayan,              E. Kalimantan

South-West Sarawak


B.                                                                                                      Site in  S.E. Asia and Oceania

Maninjau,              W. Sumatra

Barisan Selatan,  Reserve, S. Sumatra


W. Java




C.                                                                                                      Other regions

Mexico tropics


Yucatan,  Mexico

Bocas del Toro, Panama

Peru. Amazon

Badulla, Sri Lanka



Malay, Chinese, Balinese





Daret (Dayak)


Kenyak Dayak



















Indigenous and prehistory





Forest garden


Rubber & fruit gardens


Multistoried forest garden (Tembawang)

Forest garden (Mawa’n) and remnant forest

Lembo, munan, pu-un, simpu-un

Durian orchards




Multistoried agroforest


Multistoried agroforest





Forest gardens (talun)



Forest gardens


Forest gardens

House/forest garden



Forest gardens


Durian, palm sugar, and rubber

rubber, durian, and illip nuts

illip nuts, durian and other fruits

durian, illip nuts, and palm sugar

palm sugar, coffee, and cinnamon

durian, rubber, and other fruits.



durian, cinnamon, nutmeg & coffee.

damar resin, durian and other fruits


durian, palm sugar and other fruits

fruits and fuel wood



coffee, cacao



game, crops

Anona, banana,

fruits, fodder, shade/shade trees


Salafsky, 1993


Lawrence et al., 1995


Momberg, 1993


Padoch, 1991, 1992


Lahjie, 1991


Harrison, 1962




Michon et al., 1986


Mary and Michon, 1987


Michon, 1983


Christanty, et al., 1986



Gomez-Pompa and Kaus, 1990

Ewel, 1984

Linares, 1976

De Jong, 1996

Wagachchi and Wiersum, 1997



The tree effects on the soil microenvironment are not only provided from the species variations but also from the position of tree canopy. Pandey, et al., 2000 reported that the sand particles declined by 10% and 9% whereas clay particles increased by 14% and 10% under mid canopy and canopy edge, respectively, compared to that under canopy gap. Clay particles did not decline significantly with soil depth under oil canopy positions.  Proportion of silt particles was not influenced by the canopy position. Soil organic C, total N, total P, mineral N (NO3-N and NH4+-N) and P were greater under mid canopy and canopy edge positions compared to canopy gap. Soil organic C and N pool sizes were maximal in 0-10 cm and declined with the depth of soil. Total and mineral P contents were nearly uniform across the depths. C/N ratio tended to increase with the soil depth whereas C/P ratio declined.
In addition, the positive effects of tree are not only provided from litter fall addition, but also from fine roots and death nodules after pruning of tree legumes such as Acacia angusrissima, Calliandra calothyrsus and C. houstoniana (Brook, 1999). There are also found a rhizosphere effect is a stimulation of microbial growth surrounding the root provided from the tree roots. The tree roots may release sugars, amino compounds, organic acid, fatty acid and sterols, growth factors, nucleotides, favonones and enzymes, miscellaneous, which are provided from exudates, secretions, plant mucilage, mucigel and lysates (Rovira and associates (1979) in Metting, 1993). These organic compounds are consumed as energy sources for their life and activities. Consequently, the soil microbes would be more active. Even though, the rhizosphere effect might be varieties according to tree species, stage of plant developments, soil micro environmental conditions (Smith, 1969; Hale, et al., 1978; Rovira, 1958 and Vancura, 1967 in Metting, 1993). 

The high variation of the trees, such as the structure and the composition, might have caused a change in micro environmental condition that may attract much kind of animals including birds, bats and probably mammals. These animals may feed fruits and part of fruits that are not eaten then left under the tree canopy, they also may leave their dung, which will be a source of organic matter. Therefore, there will be an accumulation of organic matter from litterfalls and manure.

The soil biodiversity on an agroecosystem are influenced by the tree species.  Parkinson (1988) reported that the highest amount of earthworm found under alder trees, enchytraeds and nematodes are found more under conifer trees comparing with deciduous, whereas collembolas are found more on pine litterfalls rather than mixed spruce/pines litterfalls.

The higher variation of soil surface organic matter under the canopy will stimulate the higher biodiversity under the ground. Cloment, et al. (1991) in Rhaodes (1997) showed that the higher soil microbe biomass the higher population of microbivorous nematodes and the higher of nitrogen mineralization. In addition, Mordelet et al. (1993) in Rhaodes (1997)  reported that the larger canopy zone, the activities of earthworm and termite would increase to process the organic matter, which would increase the micro porosity and decrease soil bulk density under the trees at Savanna  of Lamto Ivory Beach. Finally Rhoades (1997) concluded that the improvement of micro environmental condition under the trees would stimulate the soil biological activities nutrient movement, and soil physical improvements,

Biological Interaction

Biological interactions both above and below the ground have very important means in agroecosystem. Biological interactions may be as neutralism, commensalisms, mutualisms, protocooperative, competition, ammensalisms, parasitsm and predation. Although the interaction that get more attention is mutualism interaction between root and mycorhizae fungi and between legume tree roots and rhizobium bacteria.

Even there are many kinds of nitrogen fixer bacteria, symbiotic and non-symbiotic association, the rhizobium bacteria and mycorhizae fungi have had more attention to be studied compared with Frankia, cyanobacteria, and free heterotropic bacteria although they also may fix atmospheric nitrogen in a specific condition (Kahindi, et al., 1997).

There have been reported if there are many trees have associated with rhizobium bacteria such as Sesbania rostrata, Acacia, Leucaena (Kahindi, et al., 1997), Calliandra calothyrsus, Desmodium ransonil, Flemingia congesta, Glericidea sepium, Cassia spectabilis and Tithonia diversifolia (DeCosta and Chandrapala, 2000). In addition, there have been found mycorhizae fungi infect roots of many trees.  Ectomycorhizae fungi infect mostly tropical trees of Pinaceae, Caesalpinaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Myrtaceae, Mimocaea, Gnetaceae, and Meliaceae (Bundrett et al., 1999; Munyanziza et al., 1997).  Whereas, Endomycorhizae or Arbuscular Mycorhizae (AM) infects mostly food, horticultural and some tree crops in tropics such as Araucaria Spp., Agathis Spp., Casuarina Spp., Acacia Spp.,  Leucaena Spp., Durio Spp., Lansium Spp., and Arthocarpus champeden (Munyanziza, et al., 1997; Smith, et al., 1998).

Both microbes infection on the roots of plants might improve soil properties.  Mycorhizae might help to soluble, absorb and transfer nutrient particularly immobile ions, such as P, Cu, and Zn.  The infected mycorhizae plants have higher tolerance for heavy metals, pathogens, soil dry and temperature, soil pH, stress because of transplanting  (Munyanziza, et al., 1997).



3.1.           Location and Time of the Study

The research will be conducted at three forest gardens, as follows: Berdikari and Kamarora villages at Palolo Sub District, Donggala District, and Rompo village, North Lore Sub District, Central Sulawesi Province. The three villages are chosen purposively because they have a presentative forest garden, which is bordered with the natural forest.  This research will be conducted on February – August 2002.

3.2.           Methods

Structure and Composition Analyses in Forest Garden and Neighbouring Natural Forest

An analysis of the structure and composition of vegetation of the forest garden and the natural forest will be conducted by making study plots (100 m x 100 m) at three study sites (villages). An inventory of the number of species and number of trees per hectare according to diameter at breast height (dbh) and height (h).  Each study plot is divided into 5 sample plots (20 m x 20 m). Therefore there will be 15 sample plots at forest gardens and 15 sample plots at natural forest. The tree diameter at breast height will be measured by diameter tapes and the tree height with the ultrasonic distance meter FORESTER DME 201.

Soil Properties

Due to the high variation of the most soil parameters expected on the study sites a comprehensive soil samples should be collected 5 soil samples at each sample plot whether at forest garden or neighbouring natural forest.  The soil sample processing and analysis should be done according to standard procedures.  The soil physical parameters including particle size distribution, dry bulk density and soil water content.  The chemical soil parameters will be determined and measured as follows: a). C- and N-store by gaschromatography; b). Effective cation exchange capacity Ake with NH4Cl-solution via flame-absorption spectrometry (AAS); 3) Soil analysis for nutrient availability and pH.




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